Powered by Plants – How to Excel as a Vegan Athlete

So you want to be a vegan athlete. Well. We’ve got good news for you. It’s 100% possible. Skeptics often critique that a plant-based diet lacks the protein, energy, and nutrients needed for success in sports. We disagree. And we’ve got the proof.

Overhead image of a swimmer swimming butterfly.

With the 2024 Paris Olympics fresh in our minds, we want to highlight some exceptional, plant-powered athletes on and off the world stage. Then, we’ll dive a little deeper into what it takes to fuel an active lifestyle, eating plants and plants alone.

These athletes (and many more like them) stand as a magnificent inspiration for vegan and vegan-curious individuals seeking to pursue sports and movement at a higher level. They demonstrate that, with the right information and careful planning, you can enhance your performance, shorten your recovery times, and achieve your fitness goals on a plant-based diet.

If they did it, you can too.

Olympic rings against a blue sky.

A Quick Look at Paris 2024’s Plant-Centric Menu

Before we get into some of our favorite vegan athletes, we want to acknowledge Paris’s groundbreaking move to embrace a plant-centric menu in the 2024 Olympic Village. The Village menu showcased a diverse range of plant-powered options, from nutrient-rich salads to protein-packed vegan entrees.

This plant-based initiative aimed not only to promote health and performance but also to reduce the environmental impact of the Olympic Games. While there was some objection from athletes expecting a more omnivorous offering, many of the world’s top-tier Olympians reveled in the delicious and nourishing plant-based meals, recognizing the benefits of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.

It was a risky endeavor, and it sure didn’t come without controversy, but we want to applaud Paris for setting a new standard for sustainability and athlete well-being. Want to learn more? Have a look at this post from Forks Over Knives.

Plant-Based Athletes: Olympians and Beyond

Time to shine a spotlight on some exceptional vegan athletes who are redefining the limits of athletic excellence. From tennis courts to track fields, these individuals showcase the remarkable performance and endurance made possible through plant-based nutrition:

Diana Taurasi

Taurasi views food as medicine and veganism as one of the keys to her success in getting her to where she is today. A vegan since 2016, this five-time Olympic gold medallist claims that a plant-based diet has greatly improved her recovery times and allowed her to perform better and better with each passing year.

Kaylin Whitney

This rockstar track and field gold medallist claims that going vegan changed the game for her. It helped her feel lighter, less sore, and able to perform better than ever.

Kendrick Farris

Farris, a renowned weightlifter, has represented the USA in three Olympic Games. He’s been a vegan since 2014 and holds the American record in the clean-and-jerk lift. So, to those who claim you can’t build muscle as a vegan, think again!

Morgan Mitchell

Morgan Mitchell, the Australian track and field star, exemplifies the epitome of a vegan athlete. Fueled by plant-based nutrition, Mitchell showcases outstanding strength, speed, and endurance on the track. She claims that going vegan has helped her recover more quickly from exhausting workouts as well as maintain her weight and overall better health.

Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic, the tennis champion, thrives on a plant-based diet. His exceptional talent and endurance on the court highlight the potential of plant-powered nutrition in elite sports and has even inspired other top-tier tennis players, such as Bernard Tomic, to make the shift to veganism.

Venus Williams

Venus Williams, the proud and worthy owner of no less than seven Grand Slam Titles, has been consuming only plants for over a decade now. This exceptional tennis player claims it’s done wonders for her health and performance and just makes her feel good overall.

Nikki van Dijk

Nikki is a professional female surfer on the World Surf League tour. She is a phenomenal vegan athlete and spokesperson against the devastating effects that overfishing, fishing solutions, and the like have on our oceans and our climate. For more information on how choosing a plant-based impacts our environment, have a look at our post on Environmental Veganism.

These athletes’ success stories serve as inspiration for those considering a vegan lifestyle. They show that with proper planning and dedication, veganism and high-level sports can go hand in hand.

A tennis player putting on a sweat band.

Debunking Myths: Yes, You Can Thrive as a Vegan Athlete

So, YES! As illustrated by the athletes listed above, you CAN reach peak performance on a vegan diet. Unfortunately, there are heaps of myths floating around out there that keep many from considering a plant-based diet as a possible choice for their active lifestyle. These myths are false and/or easily overcome with proper meal planning. Let’s talk about it:

  • Nutrient deficiencies: One common myth is that plant-based diets lack the necessary nutrients for high-level sports. This is simply not true. A well-planned, balanced vegan diet can provide all the nutrients an athlete needs.
  • Inadequate protein: Another myth is that vegan athletes struggle to get enough protein. Again, this is not the case. There are plenty of plant-based protein sources, such as legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy products, that can easily meet an athlete’s protein needs.
  • Not enough calories: Contrary to common misconceptions, vegan diets can offer ample calories to fuel an active lifestyle. By incorporating nutrient-dense foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, individuals can easily meet their energy needs.

The success of vegan Olympians and other outstanding plant-based athletes is helping to debunk the above myths. So next time someone tells you you can’t be a successful athlete if you’re only eating plants, send them our way.

Nutritional Cornerstones for Plant-Based Athletes

For plant-based athletes, certain nutrients are particularly important. Ensuring adequate intake of these nutrients is key to optimal performance and recovery:


Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth. Plant-based athletes can get their protein from a variety of sources, such as legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy products. Not all plant proteins are “complete”, meaning they are missing one or several of the 9 amino acids that build a complete protein. Fret not, though. By consuming a wide variety of protein-filled plant foods, vegan athletes can easily meet their protein requirements.


Iron is another important nutrient. It’s involved in oxygen transport and energy production. Plant-based sources of iron include lentils, chickpeas, tofu, and fortified cereals.


Calcium is essential for bone health. It can be found in plant foods like fortified plant milks, tofu made with calcium sulfate, and certain leafy greens.

Vitamin D

Your body actually needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium properly. Vegan athletes need to pay extra close attention to getting enough of this crucial vitamin either via exposure to sunlight or by taking supplements.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve function, red blood cells, energy metabolism, and muscle growth. It’s predominantly found in animal products, but there are plenty of supplements and fortified foods on the market that can help vegan athletes reach their B12 needs.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health. Poor brain health = poor athletic performance. Flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts deliver a hefty punch of Omega-3s. Algal oil supplements are also a great option.


Zinc plays an important role in muscle repair, hormone production, and immune support, all vital aspects of an athlete’s ability to perform and improve. It is pretty widely available in the plant kingdom. Whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all great sources.

By focusing on these nutrients, plant-based athletes can ensure they’re fueling their bodies effectively for training and competition. For a more comprehensive look at what it takes to meet all of your dietary needs as a vegan (athlete or not), check out our post on How to Maintain a Balanced Vegan Diet.

A woman on a yoga mat eating a healthy vegan meal


The growing number of vegan athletes on the world stage showcases the undeniable power of plant-based nutrition in enhancing athletic performance. By dispelling myths, emphasizing key nutrients, and celebrating the achievements of plant-powered Olympians, we pave the way for a new era of sports and well-being. Let the success stories of these athletes be a beacon of hope and motivation for individuals looking to follow in their footsteps and thrive as vegan athletes. 

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